söndag 5 september 2010


Terminen har börjat. Jag är numera masterstudent. Det är förvirrande. Lätt att bli stressad. Då får man vända sig till personer som vet lite om livet. Till exempel Sue White i Green Wing. Hon säger oerhört kloka saker till Martin Dear som söker hjälp hos henne:

Martin: What I'm trying to say is I'm stressed out about my exams...
Sue: OK, I've got you.
Martin: ...and that stress is getting bigger and bigger, snowballing into more stress.
Sue: Snowball?
Martin: Yeah, someting that gets bigger as it rolls along.
Sue: Just leave the snowball out of it.
Martin: OK, I'm just saying...
Sue: Snowball...
Martin: It's just a vicious circle of stress, and I want to be able to break that circle and I don't know how to.
Sue: Right. Well, it seems to me you're under stress.
Martin: Yes.
Sue: If you stopped being stressed, things really would be a lot easier for you.
Martin: Yes.
Martin: Thanks. You've been really helpful.
Sue: No, I haven't.
Martin: Well, you've tried.
Sue: No, I didn't try either. We just filled a space in time really, didn't we?
Martin: Yeah, but that's all we can do I suppose.
Sue: Yeah, that's the spirit. Now fuck off.

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